What is the Acupera Care Management Platform?

Acupera technology enables real-time workflow-based patient care management that optimizes resources across healthcare systems.

How does Acupera work?

The Acupera Care Management Platform takes data stored in a healthcare organization’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system and uses it to make the hospital or healthcare system more effective and efficient through an enterprise–wide care management system allowing care teams to manage all clinical and non-clinical aspects of patient care.

By improving communication across health systems, Acupera:

  • Reduces the number of redundant tests, supporting value-based reimbursement goals;

  • Centralizes data about the patient community, helping healthcare organizations increase the value of care;

  • Improves staff performance and efficiency, allowing physicians, nurses and patients to communicate real-time via text message and email alerts; and

  • Reduces readmissions, helping ACOs and health systems retain a healthier patient population

What makes Acupera’s Care Management Platform different?

Acupera’s platform offers a simple and clean interface with a robust customizable design that can support any hospital, ACO or health system in optimizing resource allocation and workflows to provide outstanding care for their patients.

Key features include:

  • Predictive analytics help healthcare organizations and ACOs access patient data identify high-risk patient groups. The technology’s real-time analytics flag complications (such as drug interactions) acting as a second set of eyes for clinicians.

  • The rules engine generates patient-specific care plans (based on the clinician’s diagnosis), supporting doctors and nurses as they identify a patient’s risk for complications.

  • Automated and customizable workflow technology empowers the care coordinator to effectively oversee care for their entire patient population, which ultimately helps optimize care team time expenditures and workflows.

  • HIPPA-compliant mobile access enables everyone, from patients to doctors, to receive targeted health reminders and notices through their personal mobile device.

How does Acupera help organizations optimize their EMRs?

While EMRs help capture a patient’s medical history, they are often static and siloed making it difficult for physicians, nurses and others to gain full visibility into information that is essential to patient care. Acupera’s interactive care management platform is EMR-agnostic. It enables healthcare providers to collaborate as necessary in real-time, reducing unnecessary disruptions and optimizing workflows, leading to the best outcomes for patients, depending on their medical condition.

What medical conditions are currently enabled on Acupera’s care platform?

All of the major chronic conditions that drive hospital readmissions and escalating costs are currently a part of the Acupera care management platform. These include cardiovascular (heart) disease(s), cancer, diabetes, respiratory diseases, arthritis, and mouth and throat diseases. 

How are chronic illnesses impacting the United States and the healthcare industry?

A majority of the United States’ healthcare spending – 75 percent – goes towards treating people with chronic conditions. According to the Milken Institute, more than half of Americans suffer from one or more chronic disease.1 Seven out of 10 deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases.2 The Milken Institute also calculates that the most common chronic diseases cost the economy more than $1 trillion annually. Additionally, their analysis indicates that modest reductions in avoidable factors – unhealthy behavior, environmental risks, and the failure to make modest gains in early detection and innovative treatment – could lead to 40 million fewer cases of illness.2

1. Milken Institute (2007) An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease. http://www.milkeninstitute.org/healthreform/pdf/AnUnhealthyAmericaExecSumm.pdf

2. CDC. The Power of Prevention: Chronic disease…the public health challenge of the 21st century” (2009) http://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/pdf/2009-power-of-prevention.pdf

How does Acupera support the care coordinator/nurse community?

Acupera’s value-based care management system simplifies patient care coordination workflow and communication among care teams, patients and families, enabling immediate medical care for patients where it is most needed.

Why does Acupera focus on patients with chronic conditions?

Chronic illnesses cost the U.S. economy more than $1 trillion per year and contribute to heavily to the country’s total healthcare costs. Acupera’s care management platform is designed to streamline the care of these conditions in real time, improving overall patient outcomes and reducing overall costs.

How does Acupera improve a hospital/ACOs ACAHPS scores?

Acupera’s system is designed to reduce readmissions and the cost of care by enabling care team providers to communicate as necessary with one another (and with patients) in real-time across a user interface that is inherently people-friendly.

What is Accountable Care?

Accountable care is an emerging model of care that ties provider reimbursements to quality metrics and reductions in the total cost of care of an assigned population. The goal of accountable care is improving population health management while reducing overall healthcare costs. Unlike the traditional fee-for-service model, ACOs reward physicians for patients’ overall health outcomes, not the number of patients they treat. The goal of this model is to ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, receive the proper care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors.

How does Acupera support Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)?

Acupera supports better health outcomes for patients by focusing on the management of chronic conditions and overall population health management. Acupera helps healthcare organizations reduce costs and potential risks.

The company’s solutions factor in existing medical conditions as well as behavioral factors to assess risk. A care coordinator closely tracks patients and can assign critical tasks to physicians and other members of the care team as well as alert the team to potential issues. The platform also engages patients, sending important reminders about tasks such as taking their blood pressure or scheduling appointments and providing educational materials.

Why does an ACO need new technology for care coordination?

ACOs are responsible for the overall quality of patient care with physician reimbursements closely tied with overall population health outcomes. Therefore, it’s critical they have a system that provides visibility into the entire continuum of care, enabling healthcare providers to share information and collaborate on patient care. Acupera helps ensure that patients receive optimal care – reducing unnecessary doctor and hospital visits and improving their overall health while reducing costs. 

What led to the creation of Acupera?

CEO Ronald Razmi, MD, has an extensive background in healthcare and was a practicing cardiologist. Throughout his career, he has been passionate about combining the clinical side of medicine with technology in order to improve patient outcomes and reduce the overall cost of care. The Acupera team also has a strong technology background. Two members of the technology team both have ten patents for computer and software innovations.

Acupera’s technology expertise and solid clinical knowledge are uniquely suited to address the challenges facing the healthcare industry today, such as fragmented, siloed and outdated clinical systems as well as rising costs.

What issues in the healthcare industry do Acupera’s solutions address?

The healthcare industry is facing daunting challenges –the financial impact of Medicare on the economy, the continued rising costs of chronic health conditions and a growing shortage of doctors. Once the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, millions of previously uninsured Americans are expected to enter the healthcare system. Many of these individuals may have chronic conditions that have gone untreated.

Population health management and enhanced care coordination are being touted as effective ways to address issues relating to chronic care. However, many organizations are struggling with how to implement different care models. In survey conducted by HealthLeaders Media last year, a majority of CEOs (30 percent) said that they viewed care coordination as their greatest strategic challenge.

Acupera enables healthcare organizations to embrace a model of care that not only improves patient outcomes but reduces overall costs. By streamlining workflows, facilitating team-based care and increasing patient engagement, Acupera is helping healthcare organizations address the challenges of a rapidly evolving landscape. 

Does the platform work internationally?

While Acupera’s platform is designed to work across any care system, currently Acupera is focused on customizing its care workflows coordination platform for hospitals and ACOs in the United States.